The Best Zucchini Bread

Zucchini Bread served on Wild Bower Studio Sun Ray Serving Platter

Zucchini Bread served on Wild Bower Studio Sun Ray Serving Platter

When you start a garden there are so many moments where you wonder what will happen and if the garden will be a success. Will we get even one tomato or one squash? Well, we’ve officially surpassed our expectations. Every few weeks a new veggie starts to ripen and thus a new question starts to unfurl…

Recently, as I start the pile of veggies, I’ve found myself getting to a point where I say “What am I going to do with all this?” Today that question was focused on our Zucchini haul. The green gourds sometimes get lost behind the big leaves so we’ve had a few unexpected “monsters”. Some have grown larger than my forearm!

I tried to go through all of the recipes that I’ve made in the past to figure out my plan of attack. So today we made Zucchini bread, which should honestly be outlawed - it’s so dang good and more like cake than bread.

Zucchini Bread served on Wild Bower Studio textured ceramic dinnerware & Sun Ray platter.

Zucchini Bread served on Wild Bower Studio textured ceramic dinnerware & Sun Ray platter.

I’m a simple potter and while with cooking I can confidently ad lib, baking on the other hand I tend to find sticking to the recipes (to start) helpful for success. After a quick search I discovered Mom’s Zucchini Bread recipe. Best part it has over 9K 5 stars reviews so you know it’ll be good.

We made this recipe twice, the first following exactly and the second adding some nutmeg, ginger and allspice to the mix. Both were delicious and for sure a treat you’ll want to share with your friends and family.