Mason Stain Library

I’ve definitely fallen down the rabbit hole into the land of mason stains and over the last few years I’ve collected quite a bit for projects that I hope to get around to. Until then part of my mason stain project was to document their intensity and range. Though these images might not be exactly what the final colors look in real life, I hope that they help you figure out what stains can work for you. Believe it or not, I have many more stains that have yet to be experimented with so I will be adding more over time.

Each sample was created using 100g of Dover white slip from standard to a tsp of mason stain, which was increased each time. Images show this increase from left to right (100g w/ 1 tsp mason stain, increase to 2tsp, increase to 3tsp) bottom left to right (100g w/ 4tsp, increase to 5tsp, increase to 6tsp) - I did not increase the amount of slip.