Why I Chose ABUNDANT As My Word Of The New Year

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Looking back on a decade is a tall order and summing it up with one word felt impossible. It felt like a mixed bag, full of ups and downs so I took to my physical journal (yes, I keep one of those as well) to start sorting out all of the feelings and experiences that happened over 10 years. I won’t share the gory details but I found myself at my highest highs and in my darkest times all within the span of 10 years (I’m tired, lol) but during all of it I was incredibly determined. Typically determined is a word that I normally think about for myself - I feel more like "survive” on most days but my truth is that I was incredibly determined all this time to be an artist. I’m still not even close to where I want to be as a business and person but I feel like there is a light, an opportunity and even more determination that is growing within me, which is why I chose the word “Abundant” to describe what 2020 is going to be. If you believe in manifesting your future then I hope you pick abundance as well.

Nicole Brunner