Our first batch of Fire Cider

As I set off to research how one makes this spicy concoction, I noticed that the nice part about fire cider is that, at least from my point of view, you can generally speaking add-lib it as your taste buds like. So, this recipe was created using different ingredients and amounts from multiple recipes.


Grate, chop all of your veggies and place in your container then cover with apple cider vinegar. We used two large mason jars. Once full we placed a piece of parchment paper between the lid and liquid and sealed it tight. Place your jars in a dark and cool space for 4 weeks. Once the 4 weeks is over strain your liquid, add honey and serve. I found Fire Cider is really nice in broth, mixed with seltzer or served as an immunity shot.

I’ve always been into DIY and learning how to do things on my own; both helpful and also time consuming. Honestly, I am quite happy living in a place where Seamless hasn’t infiltrated and food delivery is scarce. Not having these “luxuries” has reminded me how much I love to cook, bake & explore. I’d have to say that one of my love languages if for sure feeding and taking care of people, so fire cider was an easy choice for me to experiment with.

Our fire cider batch contains the following Ingredients (from the top, left to right):

  • Fresh Grated Horseradish (about 6”) - funny, when we purchased this our checkout person was so freaked out.

  • Grated Fresh Ginger root (about 4”)

  • Braggs Raw & Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar (you’ll need this to cover all of your veggies) I used one 32 oz bottle

  • 4 - 6 Habanero peppers chopped and with the seeds in

  • 1 lemon, sliced and with the rind still on (feel free to include more if you like more of a lemon flavor)

  • 1 orange, sliced and with the ring still on (feel free to include more if like more of an orange flavor)

  • 1 large onion diced

  • 2 cloves of garlic unpeeled

  • Turmeric (we used about 3 tbs) - ours came from Bija Bhar

  • Honey (to be used after you steep your concoction for 4 weeks) - our honey came from local beekeepers: Damn Good Honey Farm.