Strawberry Picking + Oatmeal Bars

Wild Bower Studio handmade ceramics pottery catskill mountains sullivan county strawberry pick your own saunderskill farm fresh berries oatmeal bar well plated

Our goal was to make homemade strawberry preserves, which is my home’s overall favorite jam. For those who are new to Preserves - they are a thick fruit spread made from fruit cooked with sugar, but in this case, large pieces of the fruit, or the whole fruit that are suspended in a firm jelly or less-gelled syrupy base. Read more here.

Anyway, with that in mind, we probably went a bit overboard with the amount of strawberries that we picked - 5 Quarts! With about 3.5 quarts went towards the jam we now needed to figure out what to do with the rest…

Wild Bower Studio handmade ceramics pottery catskill mountains sullivan county strawberry pick your own saunderskill farm fresh berries oatmeal bar well plated
Lost Quarry and Wild Bower Ceramics <3

Lost Quarry and Wild Bower Ceramics <3

Hey Friends!

Have you ever tasted a perfectly ripe strawberry? Though, I’ll probably claim this for every in season fruit, I must say that freshly picked strawberries are pretty dang heavenly.

As you can probably tell, strawberry season is upon us in Upstate New York (mid to late June) and wow, is it magical! These beautiful little red fruits are abundant and ripe for picking so that’s exactly what we did.

Early one morning Lost Quarry and I set out for Saunders Kill Farm in Accord NY to pick our own.

Nicole Helen Brunner Wild Bower Studio Picking Strawberries Saunders Kill Farm pick your own upstate life accord ceramics day trip

This is where Strawberry Oatmeal bars comes in. Now, I’m not a baker or a chef so most of the recipes here will be linked back to other talented folks who actually create recipes.

These Oatmeal Bars from Well Plated are so easy to make and contain almost no processed white sugar.

Wild Bower Studio handmade ceramics pottery catskill mountains sullivan county strawberry pick your own saunderskill farm fresh berries oatmeal bar well plated